Sunday, September 5, 2010

Today, the topic of discussion is something that is quite odd and out of the ordinary. It's also being discussed because so many of you have asked me about it...

Why in the WORLD are you using cloth diapers?

I know, I know, I just lost some of you. But I find this topic quite interesting and educating. So even if you're done having kids, or not even close to having them in the first place, read on and learn something new today!


1. They are saving us a lot of money.

Do the math: 1 year of disposable diapers=$750-$1,000. A kid in diapers 'till they're 2 - 3 years old = $2,000 - $3,000. 2 kids in diapers = $4,000 - $6,000 total. How much did I invest in cloth diapers that I can use through the duration of 2 kids or more? $350. Saving money - I like it!

2. Better for the environment. MUCH better.

3. Better for baby's bum. No harsh chemicals touching her skin. Yes, they put chlorine in brand-name diapers...eww!!


Gone are the days of those huge safety pins and stinky plastic panties! Look at how cool these new All-In-Ones (AIO's) are? We use 2 kinds of cloth diapers - All-In-Ones and inserts with covers. Here's what's cool about them:

1. All-In-Ones (AIO's): These look and act just like throw-away diapers, but they're cloth! We chose to buy the kind where you can take out the insert, because they dry much faster that way, and you can add more inserts if needed. They come with one regular insert, and one newborn insert. We use the same inserts with our AIO's as well as our covers. Easy and simple. However, you can buy the kind where the insert is sewn into the diaper. AIO's are great for when you're out and about, and also for the babysitter. :)

2. Inserts & Covers: The inserts are made of micro-fiber, and I was shocked to discover how absorbent these things are! (without any chemicals, thank you very much!) They dry very quickly in the dryer, and if they get stained, you can dry them in the sun and the sun will remove any stains left. (it's quite the magic trick!) The covers are great, because if there's no poopies, you can just change the insert and reuse the cover over and over. The covers also dry quickly.

3. They now sell these all in One-Size-Fits-All!! (OSFA) The inserts have a snap where you can fold it over and snap it to make the length smaller or bigger, and both the AIO's and the Covers come with snaps all over them so you can adjust not only the width, but the length of them as well! This is fantastic news, because now you only have to buy one size. (You used to have to buy at least 3 sizes with the ones that just had velcro on them.) Again, saving money! This also means I only have one stash that I can use through all stages, with as many kids as we decide to have. Easy Peasy!!


So we spent $350 up front. Here's what we bought:

1. 24 micro-fiber cloth inserts (BumGenius):

2. 6 Covers, OSFA (Flip):

3. 12 AOI's, OSFA, which each came with a newborn insert and a regular insert (BumGenius):


I turn the AIO or insert inside out, and swish the middle, soiled part in the toilet, then flush. With the micro-fiber inserts, it separates surprisingly easy, and you don't have to get it ALL out, just the majority of it. This part can really gross people out, but you just get 'er done. After living with what it really means to be a mother (you know, childbirth, breastfeeding, having spit-up in your hair on a regular basis...), dealing with a poopy diaper for 30 more seconds really isn't a big deal!! If the thought of this really does gross you out, they do have fancy little sprayers you can attach to your toilet that help spray the stuff off the diaper and into the toilet. We don't have one, but Dan is considering one! :)


I do diaper laundry about 2 times a week. They are pretty small loads, but on a side note, this has helped me become much more consistent with the rest of the laundry too! (I always dry the inserts with other clothes, so I'm using less energy.) Here's how to wash:

1. Pre-rinse in COLD water.

2. Wash in HOT water with gentle detergent (no additives), using 1/2 the amount of detergent for one load.

3. Second rinse.

4. Put inserts in the dryer (no dryer sheets), and hang dry the AIO's and Covers.


You store the dirty diapers in "Wet Bags". They're just cloth bags with a waterproof lining on the inside. As the name suggests, this keeps the diapers purposely "wet" 'till you're ready to do laundry. This keeps the diapers from staining and drying out. I keep a small one in the diaper bag for trips, and a large one in the nursery. Yes, I do have to empty the small one into the large one when I get home, but I have to repack her diaper bag everyday anyway, no big deal. Then when you're ready to do laundry, you just dump the diapers into the washer, and turn the Wet Bag inside out and throw it in with them!


We have done it mostly to save money. It's a pretty big incentive when you do the math. But I must say, I have been pleasantly surprised at how easy it has been. When it's just part of your routine, it's really not a hassle at all! And I feel so much better knowing that nothing unnatural is sitting on my baby's skin day in and day out. Well, I hope you have learned something new today! Have more questions? Ask 'em! And if you know anyone that has a baby, or is going to have one, feel free to pass this info. on to them! Thanks for listening. Err...reading. :)

Thursday, April 8, 2010

Catching Up -

I haven't blogged about the last 3 episodes of LOST, mostly because I just enjoy talking with people about it more than I enjoy typing out observations and theories. But alas, soon enough I'll have nothing to blog about but my kid. So I suppose I should blog about TV while it still has somewhat of a priority in my life! Ha!

AB ATERNO: Richard-centric
This episode rocked my socks. Nestor better get an emmy nomination out of this thing, he was amazing! Loved all of it. It was so stinkin' full of theology, I don't know where to begin. I guess there's really only one important observation: MIB believes we're all inheritantly flawed. Jacob believes we can just choose to do the right thing. I fully believe MIB is the bad guy, but he's the one with the correct Biblical worldview here...very interesting! I suppose they're BOTH correct and Biblically sound in their ideas, but of course Jacob's view is missing the Jesus factor.

THE PACKAGE: Sun and Jin
Good episode - glad we got a little bit more island time. I think the biggest reveal this episode was that there's now proof of a solid correlation between the Real Time Line and the Alternate Time Line (Sun's Korean-only speaking ability). This is very important. These ATL's continue to convince me that our characters "remember" the RTL, and that the ATL is the "wrong" timeline. It was/is never supposed to happen.

HAPPILY EVER AFTER: Desmond-centric
It has taken me several days to digest this episode. At first, I wasn't that impressed, but after some reflection, I have come to realize how much this episode actually revealed to us.
- First, the two time lines ARE directly related, because clearly now Desmond can travel between the two.
- Second, the ATL has now been shown, through Charlie, that it's definitely the wrong timeline. It's not REAL. It's not right. Charlie actually proves this to Desmond, and I think we can all agree that by the end of the episode, Desmond believes this too.
- Third, there were strong themes in this episode that love and relationships will be a deciding factor at the end of this show, probably proving something timeless like love conquers all...
- Fourth, and most important, Desmond will be really, really important in the end. He will either set off some electromagnetic event that will save the world because he's the only one who can, or he will change the course of the ATL through time travel because he's the only one who can, or he will kill Flocke because Flocke/Smokey is actually electromagnetic at his core, and therefore Desmond is the only one who CAN kill him.

Ready, set, discuss!!

Saturday, February 27, 2010

I get my husband back! Woo Hoo!

Rain, rain, go away...

Yeah, yeah, I know we need it here in good 'ol Cali, but I just completely prefer sunshine. Sorry, puppy, no walk for you today! On the flipside, it has been really nice to just veg with my hubby all day doing nothing but watch the Olympics, nap, and play on the computer. He finished his comp tests yesterday - I'm so proud of him! He has been GLUED in his office studying really hard for the last 3 weeks, so to have him in the same room with me today is oh so very nice! (I also realize a slow, unplanned day like today will be few and far between in the near future...I shall enjoy it while I can!)

I am also enjoying being in the mentor/Bible Study leader role again. The more time I spend with young people in that setting, the more I realize how much God has "built" me to do this! And the cool thing is, I get to see on a regular basis how God is busy transforming these girls' lives. How He's redeeming them to become the disciples He created them to be! It's just amazing to watch, and I feel so priveliged to be able to witness it! That's my God is Good story for today. :)

Now onto less important things: Episode 5 - "The Lighthouse"

So apparently Season 6 is all about literal titles. Jack and Hurley go to an ACTUAL lighthouse! "How did we never see it before??" "I guess we weren't looking for it."

Ah, a Jack-centric episode. I'm totally biased - flaws and all, I'm a Jack girl. Now although I'm completely shocked at the twist that (so far, for the most part,) the "Flash-sideways" has our characters changing for the better, I don't know why the writers are showing us this. Why aren't they becoming better people, evolving their characters ON island? What's so amazing about this island if it doesn't cause people to improve themselves?

I read a theory today that basically said this: Big Picture - maybe in the end, the characters will have to choose together which timeline they want to be their reality? INTERESTING THEORY.

What I loved about this episode was that Jack proactively changed his relationship with his son for the better. He sought to be a part of his life, and showed him unconditional love. This hits home for me in a big way, because I hurt when I see people in my own life who choose to continue in their brokenness instead of choose change and healthiness.

(Tangent for a minute, but hang with me here.) Now I understand it's human nature to hurt others when you have been hurt - this is, of course, why on-island Jack thinks he can't be a good father - because he was so hurt by his own father. And this is, of course, why we need Jesus' love and forgiveness in our lives. When we have been forgiven by Christ for the things we've done wrong, it becomes our Christ-nature to forgive others when they don't deserve it. This, of course, is what allows us Christ-followers to be freed from our brokenness caused by others, and choose the way of love, change, and healthiness in the future.

But back to TV land - Jack is not a Christ-follower, and he certainly hasn't forgiven his father or had any sort of reconciliation with him in this episode. So how is he able to turn things around with his own son? He just decides to, I guess. It raises the question, why is this so hard to do? Why is it so hard to just fix things? Do the right thing? Tell people we're sorry for failing them, that we love them? Well, because we're all sinners, all broken, and all in need of a Savior. And my guess is, that although for now it looks like daddy Jack has "done the right thing", his issues with his own father still remain and will ultimately still have negative implications throughout Jack's life.

Wow, okay, that was a bit heavy for a review of a stupid TV back to the light stuff...

- Favorite line: "He's like Obi One, he shows up whenever he wants"

- Interesting that Kate's name WAS on this list, not crossed off, but she wasn't next to one of our 6 important numbers. What does this MEAN??

- Interesting the name next to 108 was Wallace, but it was crossed off.

- I do still think Desmond is on his way to the island somehow, and he will have a signficant role to play in the end of the game.

- So let's get this straight: FLocke and bitter Sawyer are headed back to the temple with infected Claire, to get infected Sayid, and make something really bad happen. Miles isn't a candidate but stuck in the temple, and Jin is also stuck with this group, caught in a lie to save his own life. If Kate is trying to find psycho Claire, looks like she'll be in trouble in the near future, too. Jack is angry at Jacob and just confused about everything, and we have no idea where Ben stands right now. Things don't look too hot for team Jacob. Just sayin'.

- Another observation: Why is it that right now it seems like FLocke is being straightforward and telling the truth to everyone, and Jacob is the one who's coming across as manipulative, mysterious, and playing games, and I still absolutely think Jacob is the good guy? Are there any parallels to the devil and the Lord here? I think there is. There are many times in the Bible when the devil is doing his temptation thing by using scripture and telling the truth to people! But his intentions are always evil. And how many times do we not understand what God is up to when things don't go our way, when in reality, He has a much better plan for us in the long run? Again, just sayin'.

Okay, sorry for the novel...I think I'm done now. Question of the week: What do you think this thing is that Jack has to do? What does he have to figure out for himself?

Monday, February 22, 2010

"The Substitute" and random thoughts about this week...

LOST Episode 4: "The Substitute"

No, literally. Locke becomes a substitute teacher. I was a substitute teacher once - it's a great job when you can't find another job you wish you had! I'm just glad Ben didn't work at Bonita High. :) It raises the question, though, how did Ben get off the island in the alternate timeline? If we go with the "things were only changed after detonating the bomb in 1977" theory, then Ben would have been in the custody of the Others when it all happened. Therefore ruining the theory altogether, right? Hmm...

A few other thoughts:
- Kate's name not on the wall: What's interesting here is that there were lots of other names on the wall part of our gang: Littleton, Pace, Faraday, Domingo, Ford. Interesting that this doesn't correlate with our Oceanic 6 at all. Does this mean everyone who has ever come to the island has been a "candidate" for Jacob? If so, that means Kate has never been a candidate (which doesn't make sense because she was on the list at the end of Season 2, and she was one of the Oceanic 6 who HAD to come back to the island), or she's WAY more important than everyone else on the wall. For now, I'm going with the latter, simply out of intuition. I have no facts to back this inclination up.

- I'm worried about Sawyer's fate. His character has completed his story arc, and now we're left with bitter, angry, lonely Sawyer of Season 1. I'd rather have flower-picking LeFleur back...

- Who was the blonde boy in the Jungle? Kid Jacob or older Aaron? What do YOU think?

Other Random Thoughts about my life lately:

- I have no idea why I'm such an Olympic junkie. Especially when I know nothing about MOST of the winter sports featured during these two weeks. I guess there's just something magnificent about watching the best in the world do their thing!

- I am thoroughly enjoying our "Year o' Sabbath" away from ministry. I really have noticed how much more attention I'm giving the relationships in my life. I will admit, I'm curious what the Lord has for us after this year is over, and where He'll lead us in the ministry realm, but I'm trying not to think about that too much and just enjoy the moment. :)

- My hubby spoiled me on Valentine's Day - flowers, shopping for new clothes, watching the chick flick with me, a love letter - I just married the BEST guy! (BTW - Even HE liked the chick flick, "Valentine's Day". Funny, clean, sweet, and for once, the teenagers decided to not go through with it. Amazing cast - I highly recommend it!)

- I have noticed cold weather completely sucks the willpower out of me to exercise. (Well, that, and the human growing in me...) Poor puppy dog, no long walk every other day, no once-a-week visit to the dog park. If any of you want some personal Coda time, he's accepting free walks to the park!


I haven't blogged at all about being pregnant. I think this is because those who are reading who aren't pregnant or won't ever be pregnant could care less, and because if you've been pregnant before, everything I would share probably isn't new news! But alas, it's this major event in my life, and I can't very well ignore it! SO - just a few things unique to me that I wish to share -

- She moves A LOT. If she keeps me awake with her latest tumbling moves at 3 in the morning at 6 1/2 months, I just can't wait to see what 8 1/2 is like! (that's sarcasm, folks)

- I have had a very easy pregnancy. Nothing too out of the ordinary. I am very, very thankful for this!

- Dan and I have picked a few names, but we have decided not to name her 'till we meet her. I'm excited about this part!

- I am completely and utterly aware that we have no idea what we're getting ourselves into...and I think I'm okay with that. :)

Thursday, February 11, 2010

LOST is back!!

...which basically means I have something blogworthy to write about again! (Okay, that's not entirely true. I have plenty things going on in my life that are blogworthy - though I can't tell you why I haven't blogged much lately. I really don't have a good excuse. I should really blog more about my real life, not just a TV show...pathetic, I know!) But alas, here are my thoughts on LOST for what it's worth.

WARNING! SPOILERS! If you're not caught up, don't read this!!

LA X (Episodes 6.1 and 6.2)

Ah, those tricky writers - they decide to give the show another twist, and show us both outcomes of the bomb going off. I must admit, I am intrigued by what "could have been" if the plane never crashes, but not enough to want to follow that timeline all season long. I am caring MUCH more about what happens on island than off...probably because I feel like the on-island timeline is the "real" timeline, and this other one is just a hypothetical situation only there to show us that there are certain things fate would have still had its way with (Charlie was always supposed to die, etc.).

However, I think this "hypothetical" the-plane-never-crashed timeline has to be more than hypothetical because there were too many "Do I know you??" moments between our characters. Too many "I'm remembering something" moments...I think there's gonna be more to those moments in the season ahead, which means this alternate reality probably has more signficance than I want to give it.

I really don't have much more to say about the premiere. Thought it was good. Fun to see the characters "re-meet" each other. Awesome to see Charlie, hope we see more of him this season. I didn't miss Shannon, Michael, or the tailies at all. Awesome to see Desmond. The only "WHAT??" moment I had was seeing the island underwater. Islands are typically attached to the ocean floor. They don't just "sink" with everything on them still in tact. Can't wait to see how they explain that one!

What Kate DOES (Episode 6.3)

MUCH more to talk about in this episode!! But one thing at a time...

SAYID - So he's "sick" and the darkness will creep into his heart. Why didn't you just say so in the first place? Stupid, secretive Others. I've read a few theories on this, but here's the one I agree with the most: The water was supposed to just heal him, but it didn't. Sayid acutally DIED, and came back. He was in "another" place for more than a few minutes...and that's where the problem started. Maybe you're not supposed to return from that place? Maybe dead really IS supposed to be dead. If so, then the "sickness" could be the consequence of coming back from the dead?? I sure hope our beloved Sayid does not get all the way to the dark side this season, and there is true redemption waiting for him around the corner.

JACK - Interesting how the Others were all "We'll shoot you and beat you up and stuff" until Jack says, "Step aside", and they, with guns in hand, step aside. What the heck? I think it has something to do with the fact that Jack is still a/the leader. He's still important, even though Island Jack 2.0 has been wayyy more laid back and chill than Island Jack 1.0 was. They said "We were hoping you'd come" they needed him. Like they couldn't force him to do anything he didn't want to do (Oh, I don't know, like do surgery on Ben?? "No Jack, I want you to WANT to save me") I find this odd, because the Others certainly seem to do a lot to our losties without their consent. Either way, I'm still a Jack fan for his selflessness in this episode. I tend to believe that leaders must be selfless in order to be good leaders...

KATE - On one hand, I love Kate because she's complicated - a murderer with a heart. It IS possible, in fact, I think it's fascinating. On the other hand, I can't stand the way Kate handles men in her life. Running after Sawyer again? Really? I am not a Kate-hater, like so many fans, but I think their hate for her comes from the way she's handled her love life. Anywhoo - I didn't like the way she ran after Sawyer in this episode. Just let him grieve already, girl! I thought the scene between her and Sawyer at the pier was very touching, and the best one of the episode. Men like Sawyer crying = Kristi's heartstrings pulled every time!!

It's obvious Kate and Claire are intertwined by fate - I liked that Kate's heart won her over this episode to help Claire. It'll be interesting to see where that goes.

ETHAN - Why is he a Dr. in Brentwood and not on the island? Because Horace gave orders for all women and children to be evacuated on the sub before the bomb went off - looks like Ethan and his mom made it!

CLAIRE - Why is Claire now the new Rousseau? Where did she learn to make traps like that? Where'd she get the gun? And learn how to use it so well? Although Kate thought she was saving Aaron by taking him with her, we now see that Claire's child being taken from her could have possibly drove her crazy, just like Danielle. This, however, does not explain the Sayid theory of the "Darkness" creeping into a heart because the person has died and been brought back to life. I hope the Others just "think" Claire has the darkness because she's a crazy chick in the jungle now, not because she actually has the darkness. We'll see!!

Thoughts? Questions? Predictions? Your turn!