Sunday, September 5, 2010

Today, the topic of discussion is something that is quite odd and out of the ordinary. It's also being discussed because so many of you have asked me about it...

Why in the WORLD are you using cloth diapers?

I know, I know, I just lost some of you. But I find this topic quite interesting and educating. So even if you're done having kids, or not even close to having them in the first place, read on and learn something new today!


1. They are saving us a lot of money.

Do the math: 1 year of disposable diapers=$750-$1,000. A kid in diapers 'till they're 2 - 3 years old = $2,000 - $3,000. 2 kids in diapers = $4,000 - $6,000 total. How much did I invest in cloth diapers that I can use through the duration of 2 kids or more? $350. Saving money - I like it!

2. Better for the environment. MUCH better.

3. Better for baby's bum. No harsh chemicals touching her skin. Yes, they put chlorine in brand-name diapers...eww!!


Gone are the days of those huge safety pins and stinky plastic panties! Look at how cool these new All-In-Ones (AIO's) are? We use 2 kinds of cloth diapers - All-In-Ones and inserts with covers. Here's what's cool about them:

1. All-In-Ones (AIO's): These look and act just like throw-away diapers, but they're cloth! We chose to buy the kind where you can take out the insert, because they dry much faster that way, and you can add more inserts if needed. They come with one regular insert, and one newborn insert. We use the same inserts with our AIO's as well as our covers. Easy and simple. However, you can buy the kind where the insert is sewn into the diaper. AIO's are great for when you're out and about, and also for the babysitter. :)

2. Inserts & Covers: The inserts are made of micro-fiber, and I was shocked to discover how absorbent these things are! (without any chemicals, thank you very much!) They dry very quickly in the dryer, and if they get stained, you can dry them in the sun and the sun will remove any stains left. (it's quite the magic trick!) The covers are great, because if there's no poopies, you can just change the insert and reuse the cover over and over. The covers also dry quickly.

3. They now sell these all in One-Size-Fits-All!! (OSFA) The inserts have a snap where you can fold it over and snap it to make the length smaller or bigger, and both the AIO's and the Covers come with snaps all over them so you can adjust not only the width, but the length of them as well! This is fantastic news, because now you only have to buy one size. (You used to have to buy at least 3 sizes with the ones that just had velcro on them.) Again, saving money! This also means I only have one stash that I can use through all stages, with as many kids as we decide to have. Easy Peasy!!


So we spent $350 up front. Here's what we bought:

1. 24 micro-fiber cloth inserts (BumGenius):

2. 6 Covers, OSFA (Flip):

3. 12 AOI's, OSFA, which each came with a newborn insert and a regular insert (BumGenius):


I turn the AIO or insert inside out, and swish the middle, soiled part in the toilet, then flush. With the micro-fiber inserts, it separates surprisingly easy, and you don't have to get it ALL out, just the majority of it. This part can really gross people out, but you just get 'er done. After living with what it really means to be a mother (you know, childbirth, breastfeeding, having spit-up in your hair on a regular basis...), dealing with a poopy diaper for 30 more seconds really isn't a big deal!! If the thought of this really does gross you out, they do have fancy little sprayers you can attach to your toilet that help spray the stuff off the diaper and into the toilet. We don't have one, but Dan is considering one! :)


I do diaper laundry about 2 times a week. They are pretty small loads, but on a side note, this has helped me become much more consistent with the rest of the laundry too! (I always dry the inserts with other clothes, so I'm using less energy.) Here's how to wash:

1. Pre-rinse in COLD water.

2. Wash in HOT water with gentle detergent (no additives), using 1/2 the amount of detergent for one load.

3. Second rinse.

4. Put inserts in the dryer (no dryer sheets), and hang dry the AIO's and Covers.


You store the dirty diapers in "Wet Bags". They're just cloth bags with a waterproof lining on the inside. As the name suggests, this keeps the diapers purposely "wet" 'till you're ready to do laundry. This keeps the diapers from staining and drying out. I keep a small one in the diaper bag for trips, and a large one in the nursery. Yes, I do have to empty the small one into the large one when I get home, but I have to repack her diaper bag everyday anyway, no big deal. Then when you're ready to do laundry, you just dump the diapers into the washer, and turn the Wet Bag inside out and throw it in with them!


We have done it mostly to save money. It's a pretty big incentive when you do the math. But I must say, I have been pleasantly surprised at how easy it has been. When it's just part of your routine, it's really not a hassle at all! And I feel so much better knowing that nothing unnatural is sitting on my baby's skin day in and day out. Well, I hope you have learned something new today! Have more questions? Ask 'em! And if you know anyone that has a baby, or is going to have one, feel free to pass this info. on to them! Thanks for listening. Err...reading. :)


Jennifer Lynch said...

Thanks for sharing all that! I was curious how it did all end up working. I really thought about it, but I just couldn't pull the trigger on the whole thing. I'm so glad it's working great AND saving money! Woohoo!

Catharina said...

HUGE smile on my face. Ah, the things that we Mommas end up blogging about. I wrote my Cloth Diaper Blog a few months back....