Sunday, October 26, 2008

My Pumpkin 2008

So I don't think it's as good as my Lord of the Rings one was 2 years ago, but it's still fun!! Happy Halloween, everyone!

Friday, October 24, 2008

Sooo Excited!

Sunday, October 19, 2008

Why haven't I heard about this 'till today?

Random Thoughts from My Life Right Now...

- I am ready to have a job. I am bored to death sitting around all day.

- I have put in 10 applications for 10 different jobs at APU, and sent 10 applications to Starbucks in the area - only one of those Starbucks said they might be hiring soon.

- I have been watching WAY too much TV lately.

- I love Dancing with the Stars. Well, I love it when they actually dance...I hate all the filler they put in between dances. But I love watching the dancing. I'm so sad for Misty May, I really hope she recovers okay - but on the other hand, I didn't think she was going to win, so maybe it's okay she's not in the competition anymore.

- I wish LOST was on.

- Last week I watched Kath & was funny. I will watch again. The Office was hillarious - as always!

- We are watching Fringe online. So far, so good.

- Since I'm new to The Colbert Report and the Jon Stewart Show, what will they talk about after the election is over?

- So today my gramma (who is in the care of my mom because she doesn't want to go to a nursing home) was asked by her social worker if she'd like to register to vote. My gramma said no, because she can't physically do jury duty, and it's too much of a hassle to get her excused with a Dr's note when she's called. I wonder how many other elderly people have the same problem.

- I finally took the StrengthsFinder test, and my top 5 strengths are 1-Woo 2-Futuristic 3-Communication 4-Empathy 5-Connectedness.

- I did a lot of research online, and have concluded that my adorable puppy is actually a LabraDoodle, not a GoldenDoodle. Labradors have webbed feet, which is what makes them such good swimmers. And yes, I checked, and my dog's feet are slightly webbed. Huh.

I'm not cheating on Xanga...

I just have so many friends on blogspot, that I thought I would just copy my blogs on both! Maybe I just have too much time on my hands without a job... HA!

So hello, Blogspot!