Sunday, November 30, 2008

Hope is on it's way...

...and no, that title has no reference to Obama whatsoever.

So TNT has shown Lord of the Rings all weekend. I didn't quite watch all 3 in a row tonight, but I watched a good chunk of each movie the last 2 days. And I am reminded once again why it's the best fictional story ever...

We follow Frodo all the way to Mt. Doom because in spite of all the odds against him, we want to believe Frodo can save the world. We want to believe good will triumph over evil. There is something in our soul that cries out for redemption, for renewal, for hope.

This year has been a tough one for me. Being fired from a job I felt I was created to do felt like being shoved into a very, very dark, long tunnel. It is no fun to question your calling just when you thought you found it. But the past 2 weeks have revealed the first sight of a pinpoint of light in front of me. You know you can picture that first glimpse of light at the end in your mind...and then, there is hope.

The Lord said very clearly in church to me today, "I'm getting there, Kristi. There is hope." I have to be honest, a part of me doesn't want to believe it - is it too good to be true? Ah, my doubtful flesh. But the Lord has rescued my mom's financial situation, and He's in the process of rescuing ours, too. Nothing's official yet, but it looks like Dan is going to take a part-time church job on and I will not be under pressure to find a job. I would still prefer to work because I like to, but I am very thankful God is putting us back into a church, providing for our finances, and paving a way for us to think about starting a family! Today I have some hope - for the first time in a long time.

So thanks, Lord, for hope...and for Frodo. He always makes it to Mt. Doom, and You are always faithful!

Wednesday, November 26, 2008

The latest creation -

I'm really glad I took a picture of the cake when I did, because later on my cat jumped on the counter and RUINED it!! Grrr. It's my fault for leaving it on the counter, but sometimes I wish cats weren't so smart.

Thursday, November 20, 2008

Celebrity Collage by MyHeritage

MyHeritage: Celebrity Collage - Free genealogy - Vintage pics

Seriously, I look nothing like these women...except Helen Hunt. I'm surprised Lisa Kudrow didn't come up. Dan doesn't even think Eva's that pretty...bummer for me.

Another Fun Cake -

I created this for our friends, the Semsens - my first special order cake!! It was so exciting. So I'm officially taking orders! :)

Wednesday, November 19, 2008

Can't Wait!!

Sunday, November 16, 2008

The Fires

Ah, Fall in Southern California - smoke everywhere, TV shows canceled to have 24-hour news coverage, freeways closed down...good times.

Yesterday, I was just concerned about my alma mater - the fire went right up to the edge of Brea Olinda High School, which is at the top of the hill bordering the canyon. Today I was glad to hear it was saved.

Then, the fire continued to burn up the canyon, and reached the south side of Diamond Bar this morning. Luckily for us, Diamond Bar is long and narrow, and we live at the northernmost tip of the city. So the fire has stayed about 5 miles away from us, but today the smoke got really bad. We've stayed indoors all day with the fan on. Add my Fall allergies on top of that, and I've been pretty miserable. I hate when I feel sick, but it's just allergies.

All that to say, it always makes me think about if I ever had to evacuate, and what I would take with me. And how so many things we own can be so easily replaced...

Thank you Jesus for a roof over our heads and for really brave people who fight fires for a living!

Tuesday, November 11, 2008

My New Hobby -

No job = a lot of time on Kristi's hands.

So, I've started a new hobby. Cake decorating! It's like art you can eat! Now I'm still definitely practicing, but here's my first real attempt using fondant (the pretty, smooth frosting they use on wedding cakes to make them look seamless).'s my shameless plug - if anyone needs a cake for a special event and is willing to pay me for the supplies, I take special orders! :)

Saturday, November 8, 2008

This week's funniest moment...

"Dwight, get out of my nook!!"
"That's what she said! That's what she said!"
"Good one."

Saturday, November 1, 2008

Obama's Aunt Living Illegally in New York

This is the latest on why I am not an Obama fan. Obama claims he did not know his Aunt has been living in the US illegally for the last 4 years.

Please understand that I am skeptical of ALL politicians until they prove they show integrity and trustworthiness. When politicians make a promise, but then break it, I lose trust in them. When politicians say they don't know information they should know, I lose trust in them. When politicians have questionable associations, I lose trust in them.

So when Obama promises he's going to fundraise one way, then changes his mind, I lose trust. When he says he doesn't know the state of one of his own family members, I lose more trust. When he says he's never heard questionable comments from his reverend's sermons over the course of 20 years even though all the evidence proves otherwise, dude, I'm not voting for you.

I know no one is perfect, and we can dig up dirt on anyone. But when you're running for the office of the President of the United States, you know they're gonna dig up all they can. I'm actually quite surprised and disappointed at how forgiving the public has been about all this stuff. This stuff matters! It matters that he won't release any information about his college years. It matters that he won't give the court proof that he's a natural born citizen of this country, and is asking the court to just dismiss the case. It matters that he changed his mind about funding - especially when he has enough money to buy a significant amount of time on 5 major networks. It matters that he's not even aware of his own aunt's situation when he might be in a very powerful position to influence the issue of illegal immigration.

Sorry, I'm usually careful not to "rant" on my blogs - I don't want to seem harsh or unloving. I am just so disappointed how much of this stuff has been swept under the rug by the media, and if the tables were turned, I don't think the public or media would be so forgiving.