Monday, May 21, 2012

Katelyn Joy at 2 Years Old -

This post is more for my own memory than anything else, but if you are interested in how fascinating and wonderful my oldest daughter is, enjoy!

I am able to:
-          Count to 10
-          Say full sentences (bouncing on the ball, go to car, meat too hot)
-          Blow my nose really well
-          Do a perfect somersault!
-          Make Chloe laugh on demand
-          Brush my teeth
-          Eat with silverware
-          Drink out of “real” cups and glasses
-          Climb the ladder at the playground

I love to:
-          Hop around like a froggie
-          Go swimming
-          Bounce on the exercise ball
-          Play with my dolls and stuffed animals
-          Read my books
-          Play at Chick-fil-a
-          Go to the park
-          Go down big slides!
-          Play “fort” in the blanket with daddy
-          “Cook” in Nana & Papa’s playroom
-          Say hello to ants and bugs
-          Walk along the wall in the backyard
-          Talk to GG on Skype
-          Kiss and hug everything!
-          Pretend!  (I put my dolls, books, and other toys “to sleep” by tucking them in with a blanket and whisper to be quiet)
-          Balloons!

I do not like to:
-          Have my hair done
-          Go to bed
-          Leave Nana & Papa’s
-          Get out of the pool

I am learning:
-          To share with Chloe
-          My colors
-          How to put on my shoes
-          My letters
-          Put things away

I love to eat:
-          Fruit!  Any kind, anytime!
-          Artichokes
-          Green Beans (most of the time)
-          Cheese
-          Tacos

My favorite books:
-          Pooh Shares His Honey
-          Care Bears
-          Elmo Book

My favorite TV shows: (Well, ONLY shows, really…)
-          Mickey Mouse Clubhouse
-          Little Einsteins
-          Word World
-          The Pooh Movie

Potty Training:
I am very verbal about going to the potty.  I say pee pee and poo poo all the time, and I can tell you after I’ve gone in my diaper.  I grab my diaper sometimes when it’s full, but I can’t quite tell you before I’m going to go.  I still don’t like getting my diaper changed.  (Looks like we’ll be trying potty training at the beginning of summer!)