Thursday, April 8, 2010

Catching Up -

I haven't blogged about the last 3 episodes of LOST, mostly because I just enjoy talking with people about it more than I enjoy typing out observations and theories. But alas, soon enough I'll have nothing to blog about but my kid. So I suppose I should blog about TV while it still has somewhat of a priority in my life! Ha!

AB ATERNO: Richard-centric
This episode rocked my socks. Nestor better get an emmy nomination out of this thing, he was amazing! Loved all of it. It was so stinkin' full of theology, I don't know where to begin. I guess there's really only one important observation: MIB believes we're all inheritantly flawed. Jacob believes we can just choose to do the right thing. I fully believe MIB is the bad guy, but he's the one with the correct Biblical worldview here...very interesting! I suppose they're BOTH correct and Biblically sound in their ideas, but of course Jacob's view is missing the Jesus factor.

THE PACKAGE: Sun and Jin
Good episode - glad we got a little bit more island time. I think the biggest reveal this episode was that there's now proof of a solid correlation between the Real Time Line and the Alternate Time Line (Sun's Korean-only speaking ability). This is very important. These ATL's continue to convince me that our characters "remember" the RTL, and that the ATL is the "wrong" timeline. It was/is never supposed to happen.

HAPPILY EVER AFTER: Desmond-centric
It has taken me several days to digest this episode. At first, I wasn't that impressed, but after some reflection, I have come to realize how much this episode actually revealed to us.
- First, the two time lines ARE directly related, because clearly now Desmond can travel between the two.
- Second, the ATL has now been shown, through Charlie, that it's definitely the wrong timeline. It's not REAL. It's not right. Charlie actually proves this to Desmond, and I think we can all agree that by the end of the episode, Desmond believes this too.
- Third, there were strong themes in this episode that love and relationships will be a deciding factor at the end of this show, probably proving something timeless like love conquers all...
- Fourth, and most important, Desmond will be really, really important in the end. He will either set off some electromagnetic event that will save the world because he's the only one who can, or he will change the course of the ATL through time travel because he's the only one who can, or he will kill Flocke because Flocke/Smokey is actually electromagnetic at his core, and therefore Desmond is the only one who CAN kill him.

Ready, set, discuss!!