Monday, February 22, 2010

"The Substitute" and random thoughts about this week...

LOST Episode 4: "The Substitute"

No, literally. Locke becomes a substitute teacher. I was a substitute teacher once - it's a great job when you can't find another job you wish you had! I'm just glad Ben didn't work at Bonita High. :) It raises the question, though, how did Ben get off the island in the alternate timeline? If we go with the "things were only changed after detonating the bomb in 1977" theory, then Ben would have been in the custody of the Others when it all happened. Therefore ruining the theory altogether, right? Hmm...

A few other thoughts:
- Kate's name not on the wall: What's interesting here is that there were lots of other names on the wall part of our gang: Littleton, Pace, Faraday, Domingo, Ford. Interesting that this doesn't correlate with our Oceanic 6 at all. Does this mean everyone who has ever come to the island has been a "candidate" for Jacob? If so, that means Kate has never been a candidate (which doesn't make sense because she was on the list at the end of Season 2, and she was one of the Oceanic 6 who HAD to come back to the island), or she's WAY more important than everyone else on the wall. For now, I'm going with the latter, simply out of intuition. I have no facts to back this inclination up.

- I'm worried about Sawyer's fate. His character has completed his story arc, and now we're left with bitter, angry, lonely Sawyer of Season 1. I'd rather have flower-picking LeFleur back...

- Who was the blonde boy in the Jungle? Kid Jacob or older Aaron? What do YOU think?

Other Random Thoughts about my life lately:

- I have no idea why I'm such an Olympic junkie. Especially when I know nothing about MOST of the winter sports featured during these two weeks. I guess there's just something magnificent about watching the best in the world do their thing!

- I am thoroughly enjoying our "Year o' Sabbath" away from ministry. I really have noticed how much more attention I'm giving the relationships in my life. I will admit, I'm curious what the Lord has for us after this year is over, and where He'll lead us in the ministry realm, but I'm trying not to think about that too much and just enjoy the moment. :)

- My hubby spoiled me on Valentine's Day - flowers, shopping for new clothes, watching the chick flick with me, a love letter - I just married the BEST guy! (BTW - Even HE liked the chick flick, "Valentine's Day". Funny, clean, sweet, and for once, the teenagers decided to not go through with it. Amazing cast - I highly recommend it!)

- I have noticed cold weather completely sucks the willpower out of me to exercise. (Well, that, and the human growing in me...) Poor puppy dog, no long walk every other day, no once-a-week visit to the dog park. If any of you want some personal Coda time, he's accepting free walks to the park!


I haven't blogged at all about being pregnant. I think this is because those who are reading who aren't pregnant or won't ever be pregnant could care less, and because if you've been pregnant before, everything I would share probably isn't new news! But alas, it's this major event in my life, and I can't very well ignore it! SO - just a few things unique to me that I wish to share -

- She moves A LOT. If she keeps me awake with her latest tumbling moves at 3 in the morning at 6 1/2 months, I just can't wait to see what 8 1/2 is like! (that's sarcasm, folks)

- I have had a very easy pregnancy. Nothing too out of the ordinary. I am very, very thankful for this!

- Dan and I have picked a few names, but we have decided not to name her 'till we meet her. I'm excited about this part!

- I am completely and utterly aware that we have no idea what we're getting ourselves into...and I think I'm okay with that. :)


Jennifer Lynch said...

Some comments on your random thoughts:

Yes, I wondered how Ben came to be a substitute teacher in the alternate timeline.

Great theories on who the blonde kid is!

Matthew and I have developed a fascination for the biathlon. We kind of figured out the rules as we watched and wikipedia'ed the rest. So interesting!

What an awesome hubby you have! Sounds like a great Valentine's Day!

Yay, some pregnancy bloggings! Isn't it cool/crazy/annoying/wondrous when they move around in utero? :)

Yay for an easy pregnancy!

And if anyone had a complete understanding of what they were doing when they brought a child into the world, no one would ever do it. But it is good you acknowledge it. Being humble is a great place because you can just enjoy the whole experience!

Miss you, dear friend!