Thursday, February 11, 2010

LOST is back!!

...which basically means I have something blogworthy to write about again! (Okay, that's not entirely true. I have plenty things going on in my life that are blogworthy - though I can't tell you why I haven't blogged much lately. I really don't have a good excuse. I should really blog more about my real life, not just a TV show...pathetic, I know!) But alas, here are my thoughts on LOST for what it's worth.

WARNING! SPOILERS! If you're not caught up, don't read this!!

LA X (Episodes 6.1 and 6.2)

Ah, those tricky writers - they decide to give the show another twist, and show us both outcomes of the bomb going off. I must admit, I am intrigued by what "could have been" if the plane never crashes, but not enough to want to follow that timeline all season long. I am caring MUCH more about what happens on island than off...probably because I feel like the on-island timeline is the "real" timeline, and this other one is just a hypothetical situation only there to show us that there are certain things fate would have still had its way with (Charlie was always supposed to die, etc.).

However, I think this "hypothetical" the-plane-never-crashed timeline has to be more than hypothetical because there were too many "Do I know you??" moments between our characters. Too many "I'm remembering something" moments...I think there's gonna be more to those moments in the season ahead, which means this alternate reality probably has more signficance than I want to give it.

I really don't have much more to say about the premiere. Thought it was good. Fun to see the characters "re-meet" each other. Awesome to see Charlie, hope we see more of him this season. I didn't miss Shannon, Michael, or the tailies at all. Awesome to see Desmond. The only "WHAT??" moment I had was seeing the island underwater. Islands are typically attached to the ocean floor. They don't just "sink" with everything on them still in tact. Can't wait to see how they explain that one!

What Kate DOES (Episode 6.3)

MUCH more to talk about in this episode!! But one thing at a time...

SAYID - So he's "sick" and the darkness will creep into his heart. Why didn't you just say so in the first place? Stupid, secretive Others. I've read a few theories on this, but here's the one I agree with the most: The water was supposed to just heal him, but it didn't. Sayid acutally DIED, and came back. He was in "another" place for more than a few minutes...and that's where the problem started. Maybe you're not supposed to return from that place? Maybe dead really IS supposed to be dead. If so, then the "sickness" could be the consequence of coming back from the dead?? I sure hope our beloved Sayid does not get all the way to the dark side this season, and there is true redemption waiting for him around the corner.

JACK - Interesting how the Others were all "We'll shoot you and beat you up and stuff" until Jack says, "Step aside", and they, with guns in hand, step aside. What the heck? I think it has something to do with the fact that Jack is still a/the leader. He's still important, even though Island Jack 2.0 has been wayyy more laid back and chill than Island Jack 1.0 was. They said "We were hoping you'd come" they needed him. Like they couldn't force him to do anything he didn't want to do (Oh, I don't know, like do surgery on Ben?? "No Jack, I want you to WANT to save me") I find this odd, because the Others certainly seem to do a lot to our losties without their consent. Either way, I'm still a Jack fan for his selflessness in this episode. I tend to believe that leaders must be selfless in order to be good leaders...

KATE - On one hand, I love Kate because she's complicated - a murderer with a heart. It IS possible, in fact, I think it's fascinating. On the other hand, I can't stand the way Kate handles men in her life. Running after Sawyer again? Really? I am not a Kate-hater, like so many fans, but I think their hate for her comes from the way she's handled her love life. Anywhoo - I didn't like the way she ran after Sawyer in this episode. Just let him grieve already, girl! I thought the scene between her and Sawyer at the pier was very touching, and the best one of the episode. Men like Sawyer crying = Kristi's heartstrings pulled every time!!

It's obvious Kate and Claire are intertwined by fate - I liked that Kate's heart won her over this episode to help Claire. It'll be interesting to see where that goes.

ETHAN - Why is he a Dr. in Brentwood and not on the island? Because Horace gave orders for all women and children to be evacuated on the sub before the bomb went off - looks like Ethan and his mom made it!

CLAIRE - Why is Claire now the new Rousseau? Where did she learn to make traps like that? Where'd she get the gun? And learn how to use it so well? Although Kate thought she was saving Aaron by taking him with her, we now see that Claire's child being taken from her could have possibly drove her crazy, just like Danielle. This, however, does not explain the Sayid theory of the "Darkness" creeping into a heart because the person has died and been brought back to life. I hope the Others just "think" Claire has the darkness because she's a crazy chick in the jungle now, not because she actually has the darkness. We'll see!!

Thoughts? Questions? Predictions? Your turn!