Sunday, March 16, 2014

What we need you to pray for -

I feel a bit of dread as I sit down to write this post - it's been a tough week, and living our story out loud is hard when I naturally recoil from anything that sounds like complaining.  But I need to lean into truth today, and share our story with you whether I feel like it or not, right?  Okay, so here we go!

Tuesday, I was in a car accident.  We think there was a cell phone involved with the other driver, but the cop who saw the whole thing probably couldn't have proven it.  Long story short, even though the cop gave the other driver a lecture after we pulled over, it was still technically my fault.  I'm okay except for muscle soreness, and thank the LORD the kids weren't in the car.  My car is most likely totaled, as the repairs will be about $2,000 more than the car is worth, but we are still waiting for a call from the insurance company to verify.  We were planning on selling that car next week to make up for the purchase of the van back in October.

To add to that, our dear little dog has decided to play Houdini this week and escape our yard every day this week.  We thankfully have many kind neighbors who have taken him in each day and called us, but Dan has tried multiple times to secure the fences and gates in our backyard (including the hill) and nothing is working.  We have no idea how he is doing this!  And we really don't know what to do about it.  It's a silly thing, but it's very stressful.

And to top off the week, yesterday morning Dan woke up to find that the tailgate of his truck had been stolen right out of our driveway during the night.  He needs to file a police report, but is feeling...well, unmotivated at the moment.

Now is when I turn the tide and list what we are thankful for - thankful the van is finally registered, thankful the girls are safe, thankful for insurance, thankful for community that bends over backwards to help us on tough days - there is ALWAYS something to be thankful for!  And as Dan and I take the morning off today to rest, talk and reflect, it is easy for us to be very, very thankful today.  :)

What we really need you to pray for us this week is protection for our family against the enemy.  Would you pray with us for that?  Part of us feels so under attack every time something new pops up, and part of us just laughs knowing we aren't going to waiver in our journey, no matter what the enemy throws at us!  And as the feelings come and go, we are trying to keep the eternal perspective on a daily basis - this world is broken, it's not our home, and while we are in it, this is just par for the course, right?  John 16:33!!

Other specific prayer requests:
- That the insurance would give us the amount the car is actually worth - what we were going to be able to sell it for.
- That my insurance wouldn't go up terribly.
- That the Lord would work out the finances of everything - including full time day care next year (we have no idea how we're going to do that!)
- That our house inspection would go smoothly
- That we can conquer the To Do list that seems to be overwhelming right now.
- For my gramma, as her health continues to decline
- For little Karter and his family as they continue to fight the Leukemia
- For wisdom in disciplining our two-year old right now, as I feel like I'm running out of creative options...

Thanks in advance to you prayer warriors petitioning on our behalf!  So thankful that because of you, we don't feel alone on this journey.  :)