Sunday, March 23, 2014

6 Weeks and Counting...

As I type that title, I can hardly believe we're close to a month away from lives changed forever!  It has been quite a year of preparation - the paperwork and requirements has made our heads spin for months, but we have tried to be diligent in the process, and now we are down to two major things:

1. The application (also known as "the 5-inch stack of papers on Dan's desk")
All the paperwork is done, but Dan is getting about 5 things done this week on his spring break to make this packet complete.  (His physical, his truck cleared, his birth certificate, etc.)  Then we will turn this in to Serenity, they will look through it all to make sure it's completed, then they will call us to schedule...

2.  The house inspection (also known as "retrofitting your house for the zombie apocalypse")
A social worker will come to the house, and go through every drawer, closet, and corner of our house, and do certain things like put a thermometer under our hot water and make an inventory of our food.  This could take a few weeks to schedule, but we are pretty confident we are prepared for the inspection.

Then, anytime after May 4th, we wait for a phone call.

An update from last week - thanks for those of you who have asked how I am doing.  We are still waiting to hear the amount the insurance will total my car out for.  Would you pray it would be at least as much as we were going to sell it for?  We know this is highly unlikely, but hey, He's a BIG God, and he knows our financial state, right?  :)

We still haven't figured out Houdini the dog, but Dan is home all week so he has some time to come up with something.

A bit of a tangent, but I have a confession:  I'm not a big fan of when people post lyrics as status updates.  I usually scroll past them.  Not sure why, but I suppose I'd just rather listen to the song...
BUT, of course, after a really rough day yesterday, Jesus brought to me to church this morning to soak up His love and promises.  And then - these lyrics - over and over again washing over us:

Spirit lead me where my trust is without borders
Let me walk upon the waters
Wherever You would call me
Take me deeper than my feet could ever wander
And my faith will be made stronger
In the presence of my Savior

Confession #2:  It's really, really hard to ask the Lord to stretch your faith when you're in the middle of the stretching.  Hard.

This whole 4 kid thing...way, way deeper than my feet could ever wander on their own.  It's only by the Lord's leading!  This financial commitment to more children that we really can't afford...we know this will make our faith stronger.

So we walk forward this week, with 6 to go, with a few tangible prayer requests:
- Pray 6 weeks is enough time for Serenity to get us cleared, and that we pass inspection the first time around!
- Pray Chloe's potty training continues to go well, and for Dan's patience this week as he plays super daddy!
- Pray we get enough for my car.
- Pray we have enough money next month to fix the air conditioner in the van.
- Please, please pray nothing else breaks, falls apart, gets stolen or destroyed!  The enemy is doing his best to keep us discouraged with these inconveniences and unforeseen costs.
- And last, would you pray the Lord would give Dan and I daily encouragements?  That we could see His glory and where He has been?  That we would keep our eyes fixed on Him?

Thanks for walking with us on the journey, friends!  And if you get a chance, listen to the song yourself...much better than just reading the lyrics!  :)


Anonymous said...

I'm so thankful for this story as it unfolds. I regularly lift your family up in prayer. Thanks for your hearts and your family.

Valerie said...

I have been clinging to the lyrics of that song myself for the past few weeks.