Monday, February 17, 2014

Bunk Beds -

God is good - all the time!

Last week, about an hour after my post, I got a text.  "We have a bunk bed you're welcome to have if you want it."  That's right, folks - there's a white bunk bed in great condition in our boys' room thanks to the Vana family!  (I will post a pic later...I'm so sick right now I can hardly type.  Is it me, or has this sick season been out of control this year?  I digress...)

I start off with a praise that the Lord has provided once again because tonight I share the promise we are claiming through this process found throughout scripture...

"Is anything too hard for the Lord?"

We are keenly aware of the horror stories out there about foster kids.  Between the training we received at Serenity and others who have shared oh-so-willingly about their friend who's sister fostered (etc, etc.), we know the risk we are taking to bring in two little boys who have probably experienced a good deal of trauma their first few years, and the effects that might have on our family.  We are also keenly aware that to foster-adopt means the first set of boys who are placed with us might not stay very long.  We are keenly aware the stage our girls are in right now - picking up words and habits that have to be corrected daily.  But the Lord asks us to do hard things for His Kingdom...taking in orphans, giving them a home, loving them and teaching them about Jesus, molding them into who Christ intends for them to be...this will be worth it.

I don't say that naively - there will be battles over discipline, food, bed times, and language - things so deeply ingrained in them at such a young age - but I DO say it with hope!

Here's the thing:  God conquered death!  Jesus physically ROSE from the dead!  He parted the Red Sea for his people's freedom, and He can conquer the grip of sin in anyone's life!!  HE is the one who will love these boys, HE is the one who will mold their hearts, and HE is the one who will ultimately redeem them for eternity.  We are just his conduits for such work.

We cling to this promise, but we also know it will be hard.  HARD to have 4 kids and both of us work full time.  HARD to have 4 kids under the age of 5.  HARD when they just won't go to bed!  (Hey, this one is hard right NOW!)

So we acknowledge this, but ask for your prayers and cling to the Lord's promises all at the same time.  We acknowledge the tension that comes with obedience.  And we acknowledge that prayer works.  (Hey, you read last week, prayed for us, and BAM!  Now we have bunk beds!)  So keep that praying up...and have a great week.  :)


Valerie said...

That is so adorable. Children just speak the truth without giving it a second thought. They make the best witnesses!