Monday, May 5, 2014

Continued Confirmation -

Yesterday was the day we were hoping to be the start of placement, but as the day passed like most other Sundays, I found myself swallowing my own advice.

I often come across students who tell me they "can't wait". They can't wait to be done with school, they can't wait to find out if they got the position, they can't wait to be engaged...the list goes on. I remember being in those places and wanting the same things. But my response is always the same -

Everything is a phase. Enjoy right now. It'll be here before you know it.

These words echoed through my head a lot yesterday. And aren't they still true? So today I tried to enjoy that both my girls still fit in my arms and on my lap, and I relished watching Kate take her dishes to the sink without being asked. I tried to change my tone of voice after I told Chloe she was forgiven, so she would really know it was true. And just like He always does, the Lord continues to give me patience and contentment during this extra month of waiting. (No, seriously - it has to be from Him, because I don't really have an ounce of patience in my being! Can anyone relate? HA!)

Cool things still keep happening in the waiting, though. Today I got a message from a high school friend (ain't Facebook the coolest thing sometimes??), and he and his wife are fostering and they are going through the adoption process this week. Let me tell you - standing in show choir next to him in the late nineties, never in a million years did I think we'd be having this conversation in the future! :) But it is so encouraging that the Lord keeps surrounding us with people on this same journey. So, so encouraging!

So the update: We are still waiting for Serenity to call and schedule our home inspection. They have said our inspection will be sometime the week of May 19th, but they will call to schedule.

Thank you for waiting with us, and for continuing to pray for us and the boys! We will keep you posted!