Sunday, May 24, 2009

Random Updates -

Date Night:
Still the best night of the week...we saw Star Trek, loved it. It was funnier and more character driven than I thought it was going to be. I like their new uniforms. The little boy behind us was way too young to be watching a PG-13 movie, but it was entertaining hearing him react to everything. "Wow! Warp speed goes super fast, daddy!" Thank you, cute little captian obvious.

They pulled it off last night, I'm just still not sure how. It was such a stressful game that Dan and I really couldn't relish in the victory much. I think it stinks when you know how amazing they can be, and they just don't play that way every single game. My optimism hopes they're saving the amazing stuff for the finals...

The Office:
So we always watch it late because of Thurs. night band rehearsals. So the finale - while supurbly acted, and TV watching Kristi was totally beaming and welling up with happiness for them, reality Kristi was sorely disappointed the writers chose to display more people on TV doing things out of order. (I know, I know, they were already living together and sleeping together, so this line was crossed a long time ago, but still. I was disappointed.)

This will be the first summer in 3 years Dan won't be in classes...can I express how excited I am about this?? There's only one thing that beats warm weather, the beach, evening walks, time at the pool, long days and barbecues - enjoying all those things with my hubby!