Sunday, April 6, 2014

A reflective moment...

Perfect weather, perfect day.  Breeze blowing through open windows, birds singing, family working on the back yard garden.

Today, we wait.  The paperwork is all turned in.  Dan's musical is this week, which means we won't see him 'till next Sunday morning, which means not much progress will be made on the house 'till then.  The only things we have left to do are rearrange beds and do some deep cleaning.  This week is a strange place to be - just waiting!

And in this beautiful day and every other day, my prayer is to be present, enjoy the moment, and praise the Lord's faithfulness!  Isn't He good?  Isn't He trustworthy?  Isn't He faithful?  Every time He has whispered into my heart something new and scary He has also seen me through, and every time the leap of faith was worth it.  This time will be no different, I'm sure.  Is it the MOST scary so far? YES.  Is it the biggest leap yet?  YES.  Is this quite possibly the riskiest thing we have ever done?  YES.  But just for today...just for this perfect afternoon...just for now, I will be content and at peace.  It's a funny thing obeying the Lord - I think the spot of obedience is one of the most peaceful places I could ever be.

As we sang this morning,
This is my Father's world, O let me never forget
That though the wrong seems oft so strong, God is the ruler yet!

So because I don't have anything too exciting to report, here's some fun things to share instead...
- Every time the verse "He's got you and me brother, in His hands" comes on in the car, Chloe says, "MOM!!  We have brothers coming!"
- Katelyn has this light, thin row of freckles right across her nose.  They might be one of the most beautiful things I've ever seen.
- Dan the Handy Man fixed the dryer last night.  Then did ALL the wash this morning.  I'm so thankful I married a stud. :)
- Our church is having to expand because we're growing out of our buildings...sure thankful to be part of a body of Jesus lovers on the move for the Kingdom!
- This week Katelyn got curious about what Heaven will actually be like.  SO cool.
- Chloe is out of diapers!  

And most of these are repeats, but prayer requests for the week...
- That Serenity would stay on their timeline and call us soon to schedule the house inspection.
- That Chloe wouldn't be scared to poop in the potty.  This one has been tough this week. 
- That I would have extra strength and patience to get through the week without my right-hand man. (I'm so blessed to have what they call a "hands-on father" for a hubby!)
- And for those boys - wherever they are, that even now they would feel the Lord with them and His spirit speaking to their hearts.

Hoping you are enjoying this beautiful day as well!  And I just have to ask...what scary, leap of faith thing has the Lord asked you to do lately?  I am so encouraged by others' stories of trust and obedience!


Valerie said...

What an exciting time for you! And to answer your question, I think you know my biggest step of faith...moving to Germany!