Thursday, December 3, 2009

I like Thursday night TV

Wow, I haven't blogged in a long time. Today, as I was reading all my friends' blogs, I realized something. My friends who have kids blog way more than I do. And they blog about their kids. (Thank you, Captain Obvious!)

Now the reason this is a profound thought is because I'm going to have a kid of my own soon. (I think the 4 of you that actually read my blog already know this.) Does that mean I'll have more to blog about in 6 months because I'll only blog about my kid? On the one hand, It'll be exciting to have something to blog about all the time, but on the other hand, I don't want to be that mom that can ONLY talk abot her kid, ya know? I guess I'm just disappointed tonight that my life isn't more exciting or that my thoughts aren't profound enough to be blogworthy on a regular basis.

Other random thoughts from me on this Thursday night:

- Today was the first day someone looked at me and said, "I didn't know you were pregnant! Congratulations!" I guess this means I'm officially showing.

- I'm excited for the 6th season of Lost. Less than 2 months to go!!

- Dan is completely addicted to Super Mario Bros. Wii. Thanks a lot, Semsen. (Yes, it's fun, but we secretly enjoy playing it by ourselves more than playing it together.)

- I'm having a hard time sleeping these days because my legs fall asleep and get numb in the middle of the night. Apparently this happens to a lot of pregnant women, and there aren't any known cures for it, but it's really, really annoying.

- Is anyone else sick of hearing abou Tiger Woods? The older I get, the more I am convinced that no one is immuune to the downfalls of fame. I wouldn't wish fame on anyone.

- It seems that there's this trend right now on APU's campus to be a pacifist. This subject is for another blog, I suppose, I have a lot to say on the subject.

- Almost time for Bones and The Office! That means good bye for now...


The Shavers said...

Wow! Congratulations you guys! Just so you know. You will definitely blog about your kid. But, it's ok. Once you have a kid that's all you want to do. So go CRAZY! Blog like there's no tomorrow!