Sunday, July 12, 2009

My awesome 30th birthday -

I can't believe I'm not in my 20's anymore! But instead of whining about it, I'm gonna tell you how awesome my day was.

So my hubby took me to Carpintaria this weekend to celebrate. It was super, super great. We got there late Friday afternoon, hung out at the beach for about an hour, then went to dinner. We tried to swim in the heated hotel pool, but alas, Kristi the wimp still couldn't handle the chill out of the water. (Seriously, I can't wait to someday have hot flashes.)

While at the pool, there was another family there - two young kids, probably about 4 and 6, and thier parents - whose father was smoking at a non-smoking facility, around his kids. Anywhoo, the reason I mention it is because apparently their room was right next to ours. And apparently the children didn't have a bed time on vacation because they were screaming and bouncing well into the evening. But the real fun came at about 10:30 pm when the Fire Alarm (directly across from our door in the hall) was pulled. By some kids. For no reason. And it took the Fire Dept. a good 30 or 40 minutes to turn it off. But the fun didn't end there - oh, no - then the smoking dad next door took the next hour to yell at his kids for pulling the alarm. (Why exactly were his young children in the hallway by themselves at 10:30 at night?) Needless to say, it was an eventful evening. But no worries - Saturday took a turn for the better...
We drove to Santa Barbara and rented a 2-seater bike/buggy thing and rode along the beach for an hour before lunch - it was beautiful!

Then we went to CPK - one of my favorite places - for lunch. They give a decently-portioned sundae for your birthday, and they don't sing to you! Kristi liked.

THEN I did something CRAZY. Well, crazy on the Kristi scale...not really crazy. I went and got my ear pierced spontaneously. It hurt, but totally worth it.

Then we drove back to Carpinteria to enjoy the beach a bit more - one of the top ten beaches in the country, and now we know why! Perfect weather, a perfect day. We ended the day by stopping at the Camarillo outlets on the way home where I got a new outfit for work. Thank You, Jesus, for a beautiful birthday with my hubby, for a blessed 30 years, and I thank all of YOU for the birthday wishes you left me! Good, good weekend...always over too soon!


Danice said...

What a great celebration! I love all the places you guys went family's old stompin' grounds! Happy Birthday Kristi!!!