Tuesday, April 7, 2009

I got a laptop, I got a laptop!!

I wonder if having a laptop will result in me blogging more...only time will tell, right?

Good News:

I LOVE having good news to share - yesterday, for the first time in my life, I won something. I was on my way to the store, listening to the radio - I was listening to STAR 98.7, which I hardly ever do anymore since they went all hard core rocker on me. But it was a U2 song, so naturally I kept listening....and then they played another U2 song...and then I called. And I called, and I called - I must have called 11 or 12 times before it rang. And then IT RANG!! AND THEN THE GIRL WHO ANSWERED SAID I HAD WON U2 TICKETS!!! I am still on a high from it today! See, I've never won anything in my life - and I've always wanted to see U2 in concert. In fact, Dan and I were JUST talking about seeing them live once before they get too old to tour!! So on October 24th, we will see them at the Rose Bowl FOR FREE!!

Book Update:

Now what's funny about this story is I've been reading a lot of books recently that have redirected my focus on the important things in life. And U2 tickets are not important in life...but I'm sure glad I got them! Anywhoo - since my last blog I've finished "Why We're Not Imergent - By Two Guys Who Should Be", and I'm currently reading Francis Chan's "Crazy Love". All good stuff. My conclusion about all these challenging books I've discovered lately is this: those comfortable American christians who "need" to read these books never will. And this thought makes me sad. Does anyone else feel this way?


I know I've dropped the blogging ball, but I have still been enjoying this season immensely! Last week's Sayid episode wasn't the most action packed episode, but sometimes they have to have those "set up" eps every once in a while. It was worth it for the last 30 seconds - am I right, or am I right??

THIS week's Kate episode, though - ROCKED. I like that we're back to the old flashback format of the show, and we're learning more about the O6 during the past 3 years. I thought this episode was superbly acted by Evie, and gave us a lot of answers (well, a lot for a LOST episode, that is). It was fun to see Cassady again, even if I didn't agree with her "You needed HIM, Kate" line. Kate took Aaron because she felt it was the best option she had for everyone involved - but ultimately, I think Kate needed to protect him, and then let him go, and I was glad to see this come full circle. I also love that Kate's purpose in coming back was to find Claire. She came back for a reason, and it doesn't involve a hunky co-star. That means the only 2 who really came back with a purpose are Kate and Sun...

A few thoughts:

- Has the love quadangle coffin finally been nailed shut? There were plenty of scenes in this episode to make us think so. I personally am totally rooting for Sawyer/Juliet - I think them being together represents both of their characters moving on, evolving, and maturing together. And you know me - I'm all about the characters evolving for the better. I love that Sawyer admits that he wasn't "fit" to be anyone's boyfriend or father before, but that he has also done a lot of growing up the last 3 years.

I still land in the camp of "Sawyer was never Kate's first choice", and therefore was never truly in love with him. However, I also appreciate the comments from Jack that Kate doesn't like the new or the old Jack - because I believe Jack still has more evolving to do before Kate can fall back in love with him.

- Can the future change, or "Whatever Happened, Happened"?? This seems to be the biggest debate right now. The writers seem to be telling us that the future is set in stone (through ep titles, Miles' dialogue, and their own podcasts). Some people say there's no fun in that idea. I say that even if they can't change the future, their characters can change, and that's fun enough for me! However we need to think about the idea that they probably won't be stuck in the 70's forever, which leaves the chance that the series might very well end in the present, in which case we don't know what will happen in the end and there's plenty mystery to be revealed still.

-Why aren't Sun and Frank in the 70's with the others? And what year are they in? I have a million ideas, but none of them really pan out. So I don't know. Do you?

- When will Desmond return? I definitely still think that Desmond is the key to either change the future, or get our losties back to the future. I'm wondering if the end of season 5 will conclude with the return of Desmond and a major shift happening to set up season 6. Besides, I miss the brotha.

- How will the series end? I know, it's too soon to be asking this question. But I can't help myself. The writers have said a bunch of times that they've always had the end in mind. So what end could they have in mind that could possibly still happen now that the series has had sooo much...action? Here's my thought: I think that in order for our losties to get "unlost" permanently, they will have to find a way to destroy the island and make it back to present time mainland. This would do several things: It would make sure they, or anyone else for that matter, never get lost again. It would also have to be a major event that causes them all to work together somehow. I have always thought LOST is such a good group-cast show, this would stay true to that theme. It would also just bring good, permanent closure - which many TV series fail to do. How would this happen? It might involve a nuclear bomb - but I have no idea how they'd all escape. Dan seems to think the series will end on-island somehow. Is it too early to tell? How do YOU think LOST will end?
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