Monday, April 27, 2009

7 Years of Bliss...

As of yesterday, Dan and I have been married for 7 years, and together for 9! Time flies when you're having fun...

We celebrated a bit differently this year. Instead of exchanging gifts, we took some of our tax return money and splurged on Lakers tickets. We went to the last game of the season against the Jazz, and sat ON THE FLOOR! (Well, we were behind the basket, but it was still amazing!!) We got to see all the stars play and they won - it was so fun. We bought hats and everything. Totally a splurge we'll only get to do every 5 years, but totally worth it.

Since our 'present' to each other was before our actual anniversary, yesterday we just went on a really nice date. I got beautiful peach roses, we exchanged cards, then went out to dinner. After dinner we watched Slumdog Millionaire - GREAT date night movie! We liked this flick - highly recommend it.

After 7 years of bliss, Dan and I found ourselves both writing similar things in our cards to each other. Both of us are just amazed that the Lord has blessed us with such a strong relationship. How much of it is just God's blessing and how much of it is us working really hard at our relationship we can't say, but it's all pretty wonderful. So today I am thankful. Very, very thankful.

Best line of Dan's card...
"After 7 years of marriage, the only one itching around here is the dog."
Ha!! My husband is sooo funny!


Brandon and Kendra Kertson said...

Happy Anniversary guys! I love you!